Saturday, January 13, 2007


[satomi matsuzaki, of deerhoof, doing God knows what]

can someone please tell me what the hell is going on with deerhoof?! i feel like i'm in the twilight zone on this issue. ever since the flaming lips show, where deerhoof were openers, i have been hearing about them everywhere, largely when artists that i listen to are asked who they are listening to. the problem is: i thought they were ridiculously bad [in the forced to witness a trainwreck sort] . i can't wrap my head around what it is that everyone is into. is it one of those so bad/weird its good kind of things? is it pity? a fad?

most recently i was reading an interview of david bazan [pedro the lion], who listed them as a band he has been listening to. before that, the flaming lips, as well as 2 or 3 others in between [that i have since repressed for my own psychological well being] & i think i even read about them in rolling stone.... the lead singer & sometimes bass & occasional onedrumstick player [a tiny asian girl] mainly seemed to just bounce around, making noises or repeating odd words/ phrases ["bunny bunny bunny beep beep honk...."]. i grant that the instrumentals were decent & when satomi was not distracting me, it was ok [mostly because i knew the lips would more than redeem the evening]. i don't think she speaks english or at least does so infrequently, as the drummer kept coming up to introduce the next song, etc., & that was strangely bothersome to me. "but jöe, what about sigur rós & other bands you like that have odd, non-english, & even otherworldly vocals & noises?" listen, don't even try to compare the two, that is foolish & i will stab you.

the point is: beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you like deerhoof, then you either have a 6th, bad-music-enjoying sense, or someone has paid you. i will now cleanse my musical palette by listening to a track from explosions in the sky's imminent release, all of a sudden i miss everyone [won't you join me?].

since drafting my scathing review of deerhoof above, i found an e.p. on their website & have listened to some of it. i won't say that it has changed my tune, but it might not be quite as terrible my live experience. the music still sounds good, & maybe she does speak english after all... listen for yourself & tell me what you think. who knows, maybe i'll come around?


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