Wednesday, March 09, 2005

more to the story...

great hooker story, what is going to make it better is that 10 years from now, you will be in the public eye and some pictures will surface (taken from an atm camera) of you paying your whore. and the newspaper headlines will read "not only did he have sex with a hooker, but sex with a $1 prostitute". the native american word for that is "bear with wide canyon". the pictures will tell all. then when all hope has faded from your life, the prostitute will come forward on national television and take off her mask, revealing that she was not a 1$ whore, but she was none other than I, Zach McKamie: Master of Disguise, and double Master of the infamous Mr. Miyagi Crane Technique as well as Pai Mai's Five point palm exploding heart technique too. I will then explain to the nation why I had to teach them a lesson, that not every woman who looks like a prostitute is a prostitute. And is most likely a Master of Disguise like myself. So you should not ever attempt to pay for sex, for instead you could recieve a Crane Technique right to your balls, and then your face. After solving the world prostitution problem- and world hunger- Nations will Champion me as their Champion, and I will Champion Joey Sjölin to be the next Global Dictator, in which he will rule with an Iron fist. After seven years of hearing the wailing and lamenting of my people I challenge Joey's cruel reign of darkness. Telling him that he has lost the path of Truth, Freedom, and the American Way. We then will engage in a Deadly Duel the Death. And Joey will say, "Last time we met, I was but a Learner. This Time,..I AM THE MASTER!" I will retort "Only a Master of Evil Joey" as I deliver the deadly Joey Killing punch that sends Joey around the world. When He lands next to me, I will be shocked that my Joey Killing punch did not kill him. Joey will then stand up and take of his mask revealing that he is Jared Rhodes from California. Jared will then give me a valuble lesson, that I should never wear other people's underwear, it's just not right. Being exposed for the "other people's underwear wearing fool" that I am I wll retreat into a world of my own shame, until you, Joey, come to me and tell me that I am adopted, and none of this ever occured.
We then will shake hands and go out into the world to find the nature of the true identity of my real parents. That chapter will be called "Joey helps his Bastard friend" but that is another story....


Blogger McKamie said...

I still Love this story

2:22 PM  

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