Friday, August 26, 2005

sleep study

its for people, not dogs, but you get the idea

i signed up today-here's the scoop, you can't have been diagnosed with any sleep related problems, they ask about medications [?], and you have to lay off the caffeine [less than 5! daily/ none after 2pm on nights you are staying] and alcohol [less than 2/day] while you are in it. initial interview 1.5 hours/ one all night session and 8 hours the next day/ 2 consecutive nights spent there 10 to 12 days later, but you are free during the day in between/ and it pays approx. $800. call phyllis @ 405.602.3073, and tell her joe sent you. not sure if that gets me any more money, but it can't hurt. mainly, i just want to share the love/ wealth. sweet dreams.


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