Saturday, October 15, 2005

a corpse bride & a provocative discourse

i won't say i regret seeing tim burton's latest, but it wasn't quite as good as i had hoped. if you're on the fence, maybe you should see the other movie. oh, & be warned, its kind of a musical.

after the movie, we sat outside of starbucks on this fine fall eve, & had a time of pleasant & enjoyable conversation. however, one particular exchange is worth relaying here [or my best attempt to recapture it]. in the middle of our discussion of a variety of topics, a girl who i'm guessing was between the ages of 17 & 20 ran screaming past us because she had recognized another group of people, stopping about 3 feet behind me to have a loud group conversation. after her intitial outburst, i didn't pay too much attention, until about 5 minutes later when their proximity & volume began to oppress me in a profound way. seeking relief, i looked across the table at sam &, interrupting our own group conversation, very matter-of-factly [& loudly] began the following:
J: ' the doctor said the itching should die down now if i keep using the ointment...'
[as if we had rehearsed, sam responded in kind]
S: 'yeah, but like i said, you've got to make sure & rub it in really well...'
J:' at least its not burning like it was, and he said i'm not contagious anymore, thank God ...'
S:' i couldn't believe that you gave it to me just from shaking hands...'
J: 'listen, can i apologize for that again? i know you said we were cool, but...'
S: 'i just appreciate those pills, they really did the trick for us [motioning toward beth]...'
J: 'well i'm glad they did somebody some good... they were worthless to us [motioning toward amanda]...'
[noticeable stirring begins within other group]
J: 'if she'd been open & honest with me in the first place, this could have all been avoided' [J & S share a long laugh, by the end of this statement the other group is ghosttown]
i can't claim with any certainty that we drove them away, but i like to think it was no coincidence that they suddenly dispersed amidst our pseudo-STD banter. even if subliminally, it's nice to know that you can still get what you want in life with a few carefully chosen words. who knows, maybe they'll think twice before their next indiscriminate encounter with an attractive stranger...


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