Monday, June 26, 2006

regressing toward the mean-or-nature vs. nurture

lately i have been trying to eat better [better = smaller portions of the same unhealthy food]. but i have actually been eating homemade wraps for lunch, with provolone, turkey &/or roast beef, spinach leaves, flour tortilla, etc. this is one thing that i have been proud of. today, i decided to make a wrap. when i arrived at the fridge, i noticed we were out of provolone, the spinach had gotten a little gooey, etc. so i thought i would improvise. i got out my flour tortilla & the cube of sharp cheddar that was in the fridge. i grated some cheddar [a healthy dose] onto the tortilla, then microwaved them. then i added a couple bits of cream cheese for good measure & the sliced turkey. i rolled it up, began eating, & only then realized that i had built myself a homemade Hot Pocket! in my dismay all i could do was continue to eat it, pour myself some chocolate milk, & ponder the question of how things had come full circle so quickly & despite the great care i have been taking. i'm tempted here to expand upon this idea & the title of this post, but i know everyone would stop reading [& i need to go to work]. just do me a favor & give it some thought.


Blogger aem said...

Since I know we've talked about the Gaffigan bit, I was going to simply post a link to it here as a comment. But then I realized that you had linked the words "Hot Pocket," and I, being your intuitive friend, figured I better mouse-over the aforementioned hyperlink to see where it led. Lo and behold, the Gaffigan bit. You sly dog.

Go dip your wrap in toliet water.

11:42 PM  
Blogger Taylor Caraway said...

I like how Gaffigan does the conservative woman voice in response to his own jokes.

I watched the Fearless Freaks DVD, and it was bangin.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Taylor Caraway said...

I'll tell you what did it for me. Seeing Wayne's family, and knowing that they live about a block east of Penn off 13th, it made me realize that the difference between genius and madness really is just a couple acid trips.

I also loved how Wayne is right back in the community that raised him. I'm not exactly sure how much money a guy like Wayne would have, but it's refreshing to see someone who isn't selling out.

11:37 AM  

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